Steve: [00:00:29] we've got our upper cliff bars eating healthy, keeping it as healthy as possible at all times. What are you having for supper

Trevor: [00:00:39] forever? Lucifer for?

Steve: [00:00:45] Yeah, no, it's a layer bar. It's a supper that counts. The counts as separate. Hello. It's separate time. Welcome to separate time. My name is Steve. You may know me and Trevor holding the Peligrino. Say hi Trevor.

Trevor: [00:01:01] I'm sure.

Steve: [00:01:03] Is Trevor? Yeah. Mmm. Should I introduce more than that? Probably. Trevor is a, Portland diet, a machine learning researcher.

My best friend from high school. I haven't looked at the calendar yet. What are we talking about today?

Trevor: [00:01:19] That's a great question. I think we are a little bit, and we're talking about. Yeah. for me, one of the most interesting, I don't know, current event related things for me is trying to look for a new job in the time of not being able to leave your house.

Steve: [00:01:39] I already knew at the time of Corona virus,

Trevor: [00:01:43] so, it's, it's been a little bit of an adventure and, Kind just need to try to try to figure out how do you build a network with people when you can't. Build a network for people.

Steve: [00:01:55] Word, word. This is great. This is the closest I've gotten yet in this video series to make Harris, who's the person responsible for all this nonsense.

He challenged me to, that. Having a in person like conversation over zoom video was impossible, and I am now on a mission to prove them wrong. He rescheduled his earlier this week, but you're at least just down the road from him, not for clothes. Okay. Do you agree with him? Do you think that your job interviewing is going to be necessarily much harder because you have to do it online?

Trevor: [00:02:30] No. Well, well, I think those are, well, you said, he said. That statement or to like, not the same thing I think.

Steve: [00:02:40] Okay.

Trevor: [00:02:42] But, I wouldn't say that as far as interviewing hasn't necessarily been harder. I think that there are definitely some nuances that definitely lost and things that I think I think are my, like our strengths that are like kind of subtle, that probably don't come across as easily by video.

Yeah. Just seems like everybody, or, you know what I mean? Like,

Steve: [00:03:06] yeah.

Trevor: [00:03:06] Well, I mean like you can't, you can't talk to anyone except the people that you're scheduled to talk to.

Steve: [00:03:13] You can't like be friendly around the office as you walk in for an interview. None of that. Right. And that's just go straight to their computer

Trevor: [00:03:21] as a friendly person.

Like I, that's, that's an important part of the whole thing. In my opinion.