Colorado Springs #ActLocalCOS 30-Day Text Engagement Campaign


  1. Build out Notion Pages for each of the entities below on Colorado Springs #ActLocalCOS Resources
  2. Find 30 Facts About COS related to each of the points below
  3. Write texts for all 30 days
  4. Hook them into Ontraport using redirect links, like for example day one is - you can see these on the Lander Foundation website - the key is to set them as sub-pages of the text page.
  5. Put up Ads To Get People Signed Up

Example Texts

1 Related Fun Fact about COS to use for text content like so:

"Welcome to the #ActLocalCOS free text campaign provided free to you by members of the Lander Foundation. Each day for the next 30 days you'll get a link like this:


Click it. That link has instructions & our FAQ.

You'll get our first official text about city accounts to follow here in about 15 minutes."

"Here's Day 1. As you may know, COS was founded by William Jackson Palmer, a railroad magnate who faught for the Union in the Civil War, established Colorado Springs on July 31, 1871. It has been a planned community from its very beginnings. The city started without an industrial or manufacturing base but it prospered just the same.