Project Management is the framework that upholds any productive practice, whether in your personal life, or in your work.


Project management is the practice of synthesizing your values, your goals, and your habits into outcomes.

PARA Part 7: Creating a Project Network - Forte Labs


What people often immediately discover the first time they begin to self-manage is that it’s quite difficult to do stuff on a regular basis when no one is telling you to do it.

And on top of that, it’s even harder to figure out WHAT to do, so if you do work you don’t just spin your wheels.

Often when we set goals, we don’t achieve them because we set goals that are dependent on things we are not in control of, and this tendency we can slip into to set goals that are outside of our control makes the two problems above (prioritizing & taking action) much worse.

So when we manage a project at Lander, we make sure we’re upholding some simple principles that make it nearly impossible not to actually get things done. These are intended to make sure you’re setting goals you are in control of, you have a clear view of how you will accomplish those goals, you know who is responsible for the outcome of those goals, and you have a regular cadence on which you will check your progress.

Lander Project Management Principles

  1. Design for Daily Action — Design a Clear Scope
  2. Clarity on Intended Result — Set Concrete Goals
  3. Assign Ownership — Single Responsible Party
  4. Update Progress Regularly — Weekly Check-ins

How are 4 short examples of how our workspace is designed to practice these principles.

Generic projects of any kind — Popular Sunglasses Designs To Stock or India Gallery Planning

Establishing your KPIs, set a timeline

Putting your principles into practice & iterating

Working together to push it over the finish line

Content Database — Colorado Springs Daily Content

Inspiration & Ideation

Editing & Feedback

Scheduling & Archiving

Photo / Video Production — Lander Gallery

New production



Code & Design development documents — Dev Projects

Establishing a project

Linear, Github & Figma with Jira-type standups & tasking

Closing out & going to production

Once these are written out using the Projects template, you’ll begin to see that project show up on dashboards, timelines, and kanban boards where appropriate. That way you can easily move the project along on whichever dashboard you’re familiar with. Enjoy managing your project with Notion!