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Table Of Contents

— Compare For Yourself —

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Product Price Terms Timeframe Effort Results
M.A.P Document $0 Please share on social when it works for you! 6 Months to 2 Years Do-It-Yourself Double Your Online Revenue On Your Own Time
M.A.P. License &
Setup Bootcamp Under $1k/month in monthly increments. FULLY refundable any time in the first 134 days. 1 Week Copy
and Paste Double Your Online Revenue In 1 Week
Compare to hiring an agency $20-50k, $10k down. No refunds, no guarantee of results, pay up-front. 3-6 Months You have to produce offers, sometimes the ads and copy too. Disappointment

Compare our bootcamp price with hiring an agency to “scale” your brand for $5k/mo, committing to 3-6 months. You’ll spend $15-30k on the retainer alone and another $6-20k on ads, and along the way you’ll have no guarantee of results or possibility of a refund on your $21-50k investment. Even if they do offer a guarantee, you still have to front the cash if it doesn’t work.

That’s exactly why our "Rocket Man Guarantee" is 4.5 months long: complete peace of mind. Your LANDER Digital Media Action Plan Bootcamp License gives you instant unlimited lifetime access to use our proprietary systems & templates directly in your business. Add your logos and make any changes you want, structure an offer for your most profitable customer, and hit launch.

What is bootcamp week?

It’s where we work with you to organize your media, determine your most profitable customer, and then design new offers and/or fulfillment processes based on data gathered. We build your custom framework for setup day.

On setup day, you’ll apply that framework to our templates for your new ads, emails, text messages, social media posts, landing pages, testimonial videos & video sales letters, and even back-end fulfillment processes. On setup day it goes live!

Total Clarity On Bootcamp Week —

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| Bootcamp Week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Setup Day (2-6 hours, any day the week after bootcamp week) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Agenda You’ll only have 2 or maybe 3 action items a day, in a simple checklist with clear step-by-step instructions.

Time Commitment Bootcamp week won’t take longer than 1-2 hours a day. Setup day can be 1-2 sessions of 2-3 hrs. | 1. Begin Offer Tests Discuss best-selling past offers, run small-scale offer tests.

2. Find Your Best Customers Organize contact info for previous best, most profitable customers. | 1. Organize All Video Customer Testimonials We’ll give you a template to reach out to your best customers by email & SMS.

You’ll get a great testimonial video back from them in a day or two. | 1. Organize Media Gather any other existing pictures, videos, and screenshots of client results,

2. Follow Up Follow up with best customers to make sure their new videos are submitted. | 1. Organize Access Let’s make sure our team can help directly build out your website, social ads, email & SMS campaigns if relevant and applicable.

2. Offer Analysis Analyze offer test results together, sleep on it. | 1. Troubleshoot Verifying everything access-wise works.

2. Setup Day Offer Plan Decide on offer structure, organize relevant media.

3. Write agenda for Setup Day Total clarity on our custom final steps. | 1 . Assemble Offer Here, we make sure a broad audience can learn about you and become crystal clear on a no-brainer offer.

2. Sales & fulfillment processes go live Landing page(s), Forms, Email, SMS, videos all go live with a single click with our templates. |

What to expect on setup day

We’ll turn all that into a framework that’s completely customized to attract your best, most profitable customer and sell & fulfill them consistently, day-in and day-out at whatever capacity you prefer. All of which goes live on setup day. Once you check out, we’ll invite you to a simple dashboard for you you can easily use on desktop or mobile, with a very straight-forward check list to work through, and we’ll be available to interactively answer questions, provide guidance, and link to resources or tutorials for you within minutes, 9-5pm every day of the week.

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