[00:00:00] Ooh, my hair's getting a little messed up. I've been making video tutorials for a long time and I need to go on a walk. Um, in this video I'm going to cover how to run standups for your team. You can see right here this is what we're going over, so let's dive into it. Standups. If you've ever worked on a development team or a design team, you may be aware of Standups.

[00:00:24] Standups are pretty simple. They are basically, um, a way to check in on a regular basis with your team, understand what they're doing and what they're, and how they're doing it. Get a, a review with them of what their blockers are, who they're, depending on who they're waiting on. That sort of stuff. Um, our standup process is something that we currently do for the whole Lander team with one single document.

[00:00:51] Eventually, that standup process will be broken down into individual teams. And so in this video, I'm going to imagine that you have your own team. So let's [00:01:00] do an SF Gallery September, actually, October. It's about to be October, September 29th.

[00:01:09] Isn't this cool? So SF Gallery, October standups. The person responsible for those would be Brianna As the project manager for the SF Gallery, she'd be waiting on me because everyone is always waiting on me. Um, for this standup page, what Brianna would do as the manager of these standups, is she would edit this.

[00:01:31] Standup day button to ensure that there was an SF Gallery version of it in the template. So you maybe go and edit the template first, and you would duplicate this block and you would say New SF Standup Day. Okay. And that SF Standup Day would have, uh, only the people who are actually on the SF standup team.

[00:01:55] Okay. So we wouldn't have Laurice, we wouldn't have Claire Darrel, [00:02:00] we wouldn't have. Uh, Russell, we would just have. Me and Brianna, probably not me even, and any other SF Gallery, uh, photographers or producers. So that's how that standup would work. And then when Brianna duplicates our template, she would get rid of the standup day template for other teams, and she would just leave her standup day button and then she would create a new standup day every Monday and Thursday.

[00:02:33] So,

[00:02:36] This would be the start of week one for October, where me and Brianna would get tagged in this standup, and then we would have to list the things we're working on and listing. The things we're working on is as simple as this, like editing first pictures for initial SF Gallery, and maybe Brianna is [00:03:00] working on closing.

[00:03:02] SF Gallery of Subscribers. Okay. And then maybe that requires two hours and it's related to SF Gallery, which is a project I did not mean to make a new page there.

[00:03:28] There we go. And then same thing here. I could enter the number of hours that I think this is gonna take me, maybe three. And then I would link a project like Gallery SF

[00:03:43] right there. And um, then it would be up to us to go edit the gallery SF page so that it has been edited recently and our task says, um,

[00:03:58] On it instead [00:04:00] of expired. The reason it says expired right now is that the SF Gallery page has not been edited in forever. There we go. And now it has been edited and you'll notice that our tasks say on it. So now it's our job to work on that project every two days so that the state stays, uh, green. And when we're done with it to check the.

[00:04:22] And that's how standups work. Uh, so the goal is that basically you get a notion notification at the beginning and ended about every, every week, and you get a chance to check in with your team on how they're doing, and you can make, uh, any kind of, of team standups. In this example I've made, uh, standup just for the SF Gallery group.

[00:04:41] If this were to be an independent team from our main team, though right now I only have six direct reports, so we really don't need to have sub teams. We do this for the whole company every single month, and it looks like this. So at the end of a month, you should have a beginning and end of each week.

[00:04:58] Here's the beginning of week one. End of week [00:05:00] one. Started. Maybe start is a better word. Start at week two, end of week two. Started week three. End of week three. Started week four, end of week four. And at each point, You can see people got a little notification that they got tagged on a page, and then they'll fill in the stuff they're working on.

[00:05:14] And the cool part about this is you can see right in your tasks what your work capacity is like. So like Evan's done about 20% of the stuff he could have done this month capacity wise. Russell, I think is the best of all of us at putting his stuff in here, and he's gotten about 50% of his work capacity for the month filled in, which is pretty cool.

[00:05:33] So that's what standups are useful for. That's how you can organize them. Hopefully this video tells you everything you would know you need to know to run your own standups. If you have any questions, as always, you can just tag me and say, I have a question. So thank you for watching this video. I'm really excited to see your standup function with your team.

[00:05:55] Uh, good luck. I'll see you on Notion.